Human Therapies

I look at each individual body holistically and apply the modalities best suited to facilitate change.  Therefore each session will be unique to you at that specific time.  I often start with muscle testing to find out what compensatory pattern you are running, followed by diaphragmatic breathing which is often the primary cause of the compensatory chain.  I will then follow with appropriate modalities such as myofascial release, Be Activated, neurofascial release McTimoney-Corley skeletal adjustments, holistic or remedial massage as required.  If you wish to receive a specific therapy please just ask at the beginning of the session.  You pay the same price regardless of the body work technique used.

Over the years of body work I have come to realise the profound effect of the mind on the body and vice versa, therefore I am certified in Integral Eye Movement Therapy and OldPain2Go which are listed below under Wellbeing Solutions below. These sessions tend to be approximately an hour but may be longer and therefore charged at £70 per session.

To find out more about the individual therapies please read below:

McTimoney-Corley Skeletal Therapy

Is a whole body modality created by John McTimoney and developed further by Hugh Corley for the promotion of good health and general wellbeing in people and animals.  It is a method of restoring health by gentle, corrective manipulation of the bones of the head, spinal column, pelvis and limbs.  This ensures the proper functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems which control the natural self-healing capability of the body.

By working with the body, not against it, bones are coaxed gently, to restore their range of movement by reflex recoil adjustments that encourage neural and soft tissue release. 

Like the other modalities I use, McTimoney-Corley technique is a gentle, holistic ‘whole body‘ approach.

Whilst this method has its foundations in chiropractic, I am not classed as a human chiropractor.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release (muscle fascia release) is used for restoring the hydration and mobility (referred to as release) of fascia (connective tissue) which has become stuck, hardened and dehydrated.  Fascia is a three dimensional web that surrounds every bone, muscle, nerve, organ and vessel down to cellular level from head to toe.  Restrictions can develop in fascia from trauma, poor posture, illness, recumbency and repetitive training.  These restrictions can create pain, swelling, misalignments, poor muscular biomechanics, decreased joint range of motion, decreased strength and lameness.

Restrictions in the fascial system can put up to 2000lbs of pressure per square inch onto bones, ligaments and organs causing structures to misalign or become constricted resulting in ineffective muscle usage, poor circulation, strain and eventually trauma/injury.

Whilst I am mindful of kinetic chains that run through the fascia I work with the mindset of facilitating change within the whole fascial web and promote the body's innate healing to restore motion to joints and downregulate the nervous system to enable a release deep seated tension and trauma.  This is a very slow, sustained pressure approach with little movement to the eye but often the client can feel movement (like unravelling of muscles), heat, prickling, bubbling sensations.  Sometimes memories and emotions can surface and the body can move and shake as the body finds equilibrium (unwinding).  You are in a safe space to allow this to take place.

Be Activated

In simple terms it is a full body protocol working through kinetic chains and fascial slings to find where the neural circuit is weak and strengthen that connection by stimulating reflex points. In order to meet the body’s demands if a muscle group/fascial sling stops firing in the correct pattern it will rewire round it and recruit the next set of muscles to do the job.  They then become fatigued and that is where your compensatory cheat pattern begins. 

So, if your true core of strength, that’s your diaphragm, psoas and gluteals, are not firing in the right pattern you will pull that strength from another area.  That area is usually where you are starting to feel pain. For instance if you are a leg driver you will possibly be experiencing hip pain, tight hamstrings, plantar fasciitis, shin splints.  If you drive your strength from your arms and shoulders, you will be possibly be experiencing symptoms of frozen shoulder or tennis elbow.  If you are a Jaw driver you may have TMJ symptoms such a migraines, tinnitus, visual disturbances, neck and shoulder tension. If your system is completely overwhelmed, (which in today’s world so many are) you may be feeling disconnected from the world and have a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, depression and the likes. Note both sides of your body can have different compensatory patterns.

Holistic and Clinical Massage

My first bodywork qualification was an ITEC diploma in  anatomy, physiology and holistic massage with Lollit and Bavara in Edinburgh.  They were the most holistic and insightful tutors I have ever come across and I feel fortunate to have learned from the best.  I then went on to do clinical/remedial training with JING Advanced Massage Institute.  I combine these modalities into a session as required often using trigger point release but you can also just ask for these as a stand alone session.

TMJ Therapy

I have studied many techniques to assist with the normal function of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and its body wide connections.  The training allows me to work intraorally  if required.  My original training was with Myofascial Release UK and then later Blend Therapy Training.   It is worth considering this if you have headaches, TMD, tinnitus, visual disturbances and even a persistent pelvis imbalance.

Wellbeing Solutions

Integral Eye Movement Therapy

IEMT founded by Andrew T Austin is a psychological model which addresses the emotions and feelings attached to a negative memory.  IEMT removes the emotional charge from the event whether it be an unpleasant emotion, trauma response or an ingrained coping mechanism (pattern of chronicity). This is a non disclosure therapy.  I will ask you to recollect a memory and then move your eyes in a certain way to change the response to the memory.  It is extremely effective for behavioural change.

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OldPain2Go founded by Steven Blake is a talk therapy.  All pain signals are generated in the brain regardless of where you feel the pain.  I talk to you about the unconscious need for the chronic pain signal.  We then explore the necessity for this pain signal and whether we can encourage the unconscious part of your brain that it is now safe to turn that chronic pain signal off.

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